What you'll get from this article:

  • Tips on learning about software development project teams and growing as a developer
  • Online resources for beginners who want to learn more about the topic

As a junior software developer, it's essential to have a plan and structure for your work. This will help you stay on track and avoid common pitfalls. This blog post will provide you with an ultimate software development project plan checklist.

We'll also point you to helpful resources that teach everything from basics to more advanced concepts. So whether you're just starting in the software development world or looking for ways to improve your development process, read on!

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com / Unsplash

1. How do you develop software, and what are the basics that you need to learn

To develop a software project, you need basic computer programming knowledge, particularly the language in which the software will be written. In most cases, this will be either Java or C++.

However, other languages are also available, so it is best to research to find out which would be best for the specific project you want to work on.

Once you have chosen a language, you must learn how to use it. There are many different ways to learn how to program, and various resources are available online and offline. One of the best ways to learn is by finding a good tutorial or course and then following along with the exercises. You can also find forums and discussion groups where you can ask questions and get help from other programmers.

Coding together
Photo by X / Unsplash

2. The best tips to learn more about software development and grow as a developer

There are many different ways to learn more about software development and grow as a developer. You can find great online resources, take courses, or join a coding community. Here are some of the best ways to learn more and grow as a developer:

1. Use online resources

There are a lot of great online resources for developing a software development project. You can find tutorials, articles, and videos that will teach you everything you need to know. The best part is that these resources are free! Some popular online resources include:

A small figurine of an oktokata in the center, in the background a laptop with an open code editor and a terminal.
Photo by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦 / Unsplash

2. Take courses

If you want to learn in a more structured environment, consider taking classes in creating a software development project plan. These courses will give you all the information you need to start developing your own applications.

The most popular online courses are:

Laptop with code and plant in coffee shop
Photo by James Harrison / Unsplash

3. Join a coding community

Joining a coding community is one of the best ways to learn more about working on a software project and meet other developers who can help you out along the way. These communities are filled with people who are passionate about coding and love sharing their knowledge with others.

4. Create a software development plan

In software development, it is crucial to come up with a plan. This checklist will help you create a plan that is tailored to your needs:

1. Start by creating a project goal.
What are you trying to achieve with your software development plan?

2. Define the requirements for your software.
What needs to be included?

3. Estimate the time and resources required to complete the project.
How long will it take, and how much staffing and money will it require? For example, how many project managers, project team members, or software development teams will you need?

4. Create a timeline for the project.
When do you want to have the entire project finished? What do you anticipate the software development life cycle will be?

5. Outline the steps of your software development process.
What needs to be done, and in what order?

6. Assign tasks to development team members and create deadlines for each person.
Who will do what, and when do they need to do it?

7. Gather feedback from team members throughout the process and make changes as necessary.
Is everyone on track and making good progress?

8. Finalize the project plan, implement it, and create metrics to evaluate project success.

Working on our first app during the spring in the park.
Photo by Jexo / Unsplash

4. Additional resources for beginners who want to learn more about software development

If you're looking for a helpful tool to use during your software development planning process, look no further than free Goosly's public roadmaps.

Our roadmaps are a great way to get an overview of your software project plan and track its progress. They also make it easy to share your project with others and get feedback from your software development team.

Unlimited free public roadmaps for your software development project - Goosly
Unlimited free public roadmaps for your software development project - Goosly

To create a public roadmap for your software development project, simply sign up for a free account on Goosly and follow these steps:

1. Create a new roadmap – Click the "New Roadmap" button on the screen's top right and enter your project details.

2. Add milestones and tasks – Milestones represent important points in your project, while tasks are the individual steps that need to be completed to reach each milestone.

3. Share your roadmap with others – Click the "Share" button at the top of the screen to generate a link to your map. You can share this link with anyone you like, and they will be able to view your map and contribute comments and feedback. You can include your own software development team or project manager!

Share your software project roadmap with your team - Goosly
Share your software project roadmap with your team - Goosly

That's all there is to it! With Goosly's public roadmaps, you can easily plan and track your next software development project.

Closing thoughts

There are many ways to learn about software development projects and grow as a developer. Some of the best ways to learn include using online resources, taking courses, and joining a coding community. Additionally, Goosly's public roadmaps are a helpful tool for any software development project planning.

Easy-to-use Roadmap Platform - Goosly
Easy-to-use Roadmap Platform - Goosly